Spicy food: What it says about your personality

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Do you like chilli? Or other spices? Or does the mere thought of such foods make you feel uncomfortably hot? Your preference in terms of spiciness may say more about you than you think.

If you’re the kind of person who puts eight tonnes of chilli sauce on their pizza, kudos to you! And to your guts, too. Your digestive system must be toughened to the max.

However, you can read here that spicy food can become dangerous.

The palate and the head
But apart from the physical consequences of eating spicy foods, your taste has a more significant psychological impact than you might think.

After all, if you tend to favour spicy food, according to this recent study, it’s very likely that your life is, shall we say – spicier too! At least that’s the result of this 2000 American survey. So, there is a rather unusual correlation between mentality and chilli peppers. Who would have thought it?

Conducted on behalf of the company Frank’s Redhot and the statistics institute Onepoll, the results of this study show, for example, that people who enjoy spicy food are more likely to try new things in their lives.

The research results show that 76% of people who eat spicy food are likely to try new activities, 62% consider themselves more attractive, and 66% are more satisfied with their lives.

Do shy people eat less spicy food?
Conversely, people who eat less spicy food are likelier to describe themselves as shy in everyday life. In contrast, 41% consider themselves empathetic, while 50% describe themselves as calmer and more curious.

The results are, therefore, less clear regarding spiciness, but we can still see specific orientations. Less spicy eaters are, therefore, less inclined to describe themselves as great adventurers.

Spices and culture

The statistical survey, however, misses a few points, especially regarding cultural differences. After all, where are the cultures where spicy food is as typical as bread for breakfast?

Furthermore, for some countries that use less of the preservatives that we are fortunate to have in the West (fridge, freezer, etc.), chilli is the food of choice to counteract the risks of expired food!

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